Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Negotiate Like a Pro: 5 Steps to Getting More, Paying Less, and Creating win-win situations!

Negotiate Like a Pro: 5 Steps to Getting More, Paying Less, and Creating win-win situations!:

( Does the idea of asking for a raise make you squeamish? Does the idea of negotiating a better price make you want to run in the other direction? Are you charging the same for your services that you charged in 2002, afraid to tell your clients you’re raising your rates? Whether you finally got the job offer you were looking for, have the opportunity for a promotion at work, or are angling for some flex time, knowing how to negotiate will help you get more of what you want. Use these five strategies to help you negotiate like a pro:

1. Speak Last

In a negotiation, do your best to get the other side to make the first offer. Why? First, they may offer more than you were anticipating and you’ll shoot yourself in the foot if you speak first and ask for less. Better to allow the other side speak first.

2. Don’t be afraid to ask.

Most people never negotiate because they’re too scared to ask. Get over it – and this is especially important for women, who disproportionately accept what is offered. You’ll be surprised what you can negotiate by simply asking.

3. Know the “range” of what you’re looking for.

The key to a good negotiation is to have some degree of flexibility. So have a range and know the number you are not willing to fall beneath. You need to know your bottom line before going into a negotiation. At what point are you willing to walk away?

4. Do your homework.

If it is salary, know what the job is worth. Understand your value and communicate it specifically clearly. If you have examples of situations in which what you are proposing worked, use those examples to make your point.

5. Make a goodwill gesture.

How you negotiate says a lot about you. A good negotiation, especially with an employer or client, is one in which both parties can leave feeling they got something good for their side. Winner takes all is a losing strategy for your career. Leave something on the table. What are you willing to give as a good will gesture? If you’re negotiating for flex time, are you willing to be “on call“? If you are negotiating a salary, are you willing to budge at all?

Written by Valorie Burton


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